Do you still remember the last time that you got your heart broken? It is funny how most of the time, it is us guys whom this world blames for being cheaters, but they fail to see that there are times that we get our hearts broken too. There are as many women who cheat as men. Ladies are just more discreet about it. This must change, though. Don’t you think it’s high time for the world to recognize that women can be cheaters too? What did you do when you have found out that your lady was actually cheating on you? We are sure that it wasn’t that easy to accept because all of us have gone through the same thing.
It is even more difficult if you have really fallen hard for the girl, but even if you didn’t it’s still just as rough to have that feeling of betrayal all bunched up inside of you. One of the first few things that you would have thought of was to exact some sort of revenge on her, to get even with the hurt that she has caused you. However, getting back at someone who has done you wrong is not always easy and possible. There are just sometimes that you have to accept defeat. If you have experienced all of these and still feel bad, then maybe the porn site that we have for you today is a perfect choice for you. This porn site is called BadExGFs, and before you think that this porn site would remind you of the terrible things that you have been through, think again.
The reason is because we think that this porn site might just make you feel a whole lot better. Talk about sweet revenge, joining this porn site would not be able to give you what you really want, but it will definitely give you that boost of satisfaction that you need. If you are already interested in joining this porn site, then allow us to give you the details. There are only two membership options to choose from, a recurring monthly membership and a ninety days full access. Once you have decided what type of plan you want, then you may already fill up the form and submit your registration.
Site Content
We loved the website design of this porn site. We think that it is a perfect balance of design and efficiency. We also liked the fact that you can learn a lot about the porn site and its features by just taking a tour of its homepage. Let us start with the welcome banner. It is a collage of four different images showing the hottest girls from the videos submitted to them. Along with the images, you will also see the logo of the site together with the site’s tagline: “guys get revenge by posting ex gf’s sex videos”. Just by the website banner alone, you already know what to expect. Below the banner, you will see the first group of thumbnails. These are the porn site’s latest uploads.
These thumbnails are pretty simple with no title or any other information on them. What they have is the screenshot of the hottest scene in the video with a link that would allow you to stream or download the video if you are already a member of the site. Scrolling down, you will see the next batch of thumbnails. This time, you will see pictures of the girls whose videos were submitted to them. From these pictures, you will already understand why these girls cheated in the first place, because they have the capacity to! Man, they are all freaking hot. Another scroll down will reveal the two more batches of thumbnails following the pattern: thumbnails of other recent video uploads, followed by thumbnails of pictures of the ladies that you will get to see in the porn site.
Actresses & Video Quality
Speaking of ladies, we really love amateur porn submission sites, and if you have been following our reviews, you might have an idea already as to why. For those who are reading our review for the first time, though, allow us to expound on this. The first reason why we love amateur porn submission sites like BadExGFs is the number of girls. Don’t you find it tiring watching the same pornstars over and over again in other premium porn sites? Sure these girls are famous, but we also like to watch some new ladies every once in a while. In an amateur porn submission site, though, you will not be experiencing this issue because there is a new girl in every new video, unless the person who submitted that video actually has more than one video in store to share!
Finally, another thing that we have enjoyed is the realistic charm of amateur porn. Because we are not watching actors, you are sure that you won’t be seeing fake orgasms here. Furthermore, the girls here did these sexy things because they wanted to and not because they were paid to do so. As for the videos, every video is a surprise. You don’t know what type of genre or scene you are going to see next because there is no telling what video is going to be submitted next. These factors have made BadExGFs a very interesting and exciting porn site.
In Few Words
Overall, we enjoyed taking our short tour in this porn site because amateur porn will always have a certain space in our hearts. If you are like us and you are into this type of porn too, then we totally recommend for you to sign up for this site. We are sure that you will never ever regret making this decision. Enjoy!
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