Hidden Zone is a premium porn site with a massive resource of amateur content mostly featuring videos and pictures taken from hidden cameras. The categories included in the collection are nudists, exhibitionists and sex in public places. There are upskirt videos and pictures as well as shower, locker room and beach cabin. The idea behind hidden zone is to give the viewer an exciting experience of spying on an unsuspecting public in the course of engaging in all kinds of dirty sex adventures.
Site Content
Hidden Zone has been with us for over a decade now. As much it has grown to the tremendous site, it is now with thousands of videos and pictures; the design of the site itself has not been left behind. Great changes have been made on the design making navigation an easy task. Videos and pictures content have been separated and further narrowed down into sections.
The updates are nicely organized such that you can pick the latest with ease. You don’t have to log in as a member to have a feel of what the website is all about. In addition, you are allowed to rate the pictures as well as write your own comments and even save them on a favourites list. An available menu bar enables a visitor to view the latest uploaded pictures, what others have said about them as well as mark the most viewed, the best rated and those on My Favourites list.
Actresses & Video Quality
There are all kinds of beautiful and curvaceous but unsuspecting girls in Hidden Zone videos. What is exciting about the video is the fact that the footage is taken from hidden cameras and the content, is therefore, a hundred percent full amateur. The videos are caught in various forms of undress, including shower, beach cabins and even when on elevators with camera under their skirts. Hidden Zone has a variety of these girls. They range from plump mature women with round big asses and ample boobs, to amateur girls with shaved or hairy pussies in the dressing rooms.
There are over 14,000 video clips, which make up more than 3500 full videos. Although you can view the latest videos in Full HD, you are not enabled to stream them. You can download and play the videos in your browser with QuickTime but only in AVI format. Hidden Zone has more than 2,000 photo sets, which can be downloaded in ZIP files with most of them in high resolution. For a three month membership, you pay an affordable fee with an extra one month as a Christmas present. You can get a single month’s subscription too. Once you are registered as a member, you will get access to thousands of videos and photos from one of the largest porn websites. In addition, you will get access to two other websites, A-Magazine and Private-Love
In Few Words
Hidden Showers is certainly the place to be for all those who love a good peek at girls, when they are doing their private in the showers, dressing rooms and even at parties. You are sure to get countless options of watching unsuspecting couples having sex without any idea that someone might be watching them. There may be some limitation, especially on downloading options, but the website is a great source of exclusive voyeur content and is worth your attention as well as your money.
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